Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hazzard Strikes Back

Larry Hazzard Sr. was fired or relived of his post from position as New Jersey State Athletic commissioner. The Firing came on the eve of his nephews burial. For those who do not know, Larry Hazzard is one of the reasons that we have mixed martial arts in this country. He went and testified before congress about how combative sports and it's entertainment value when, they thought it was nothing but a barbaric sport. In my opinion he is one of the best that the sport has ever witnessed, he cares for a fighters safety and welfare.

Larry Hazzard Sr.,was fired from his job after reporting that a deputy commissioner violated health and safety rules such as fighters failing to test negative for HIV and were still able to fight. Some fighters could not pass a brain scan but still cleared medically fit to fight.Hazzard Sr. sued state Attorney General Anne Milgram under the federal Conscientious Employee Protection Act. Court papers reveal that Hazzard Sr. has asked for his job back, plus back pay and punitive damages.

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